This site features enhanced security and we require e-mail addresses and "strong" passwords for all users. A definition of a "strong" password is listed below.

Unfortunately, the login ID and password we have on file for you does not meet these requirements. To access our new site, you will need to enter an e-mail address and choose a strong password. Once you enter them, you will be taken to the new site. From this point forward, you will use this password to access the Tyndale on-line ordering site.

If you have any questions, please call customer service at 800-356-3433. We appreciate your business.

Welcome to TyndaleFRC Express!

You have either requested a new password or this is your first time logging in. Please enter your new password.

If you have any questions, please call customer service at 800-356-3433. We appreciate your business.

{{showErr = loginForm.$submitted && loginForm.UserName.$error.required;''}}
Username is required
{{showErr2 = loginForm.$submitted && loginForm.Password.$error.required;''}} Helpful Login Tips
Password is required
{{showErr3 = loginForm.$submitted && loginForm.NewPassword.$error.required;''}} {{showErr4 = loginForm.$submitted && loginForm.NewPasswordRetype.$error.required;''}}
New Password is required
Please retype your password
Password Requirements:
  • Must be between 6 and 25 characters long
  • Must contain one number and one letter
  • Cannot be the first part of your email address
  • Cannot be your email address
  • Cannot contain "Tyndale"
  • Cannot contain "password"
  • Cannot contain your first or last name
You're already Logged in, please choose an option to continue:

An email has been sent to your address with the details on how to change your password.

Back to Login

Enter the email address associated with your account.

{{showErr = passwordForm.$submitted && passwordForm.UserName.$error.required;''}}
Email is required

Back to Login